Executive Committee - Eastleigh Secondary School, Nairobi, Kenya
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Executive Committee
Jayant Tanna - CHAIRMAN Jayantilal Tanna - CHAIRMAN
Email: jntanna@aol.com

Jayant is from the 1963 batch. He is the Founder Chairman of ESS Alumni when it was formed in 2007 and this is his fourth term. Jayant is a retired Education Consultant.

Vijay Patel - SECRETARY Vijay Kant Patel - SECRETARY
Email: vijaykana52@yahoo.co.uk

Vijay is from the 1968 batch. He is a retired Certified and Chartered Accountant and this is his fourth term as Secretary.

Nisar Butt - TREASURER Nisar Ahmed Butt - TREASURER
Email: nisar.butt@yahoo.co.uk

Nisar is also from the 1963 batch. He is a retired Chartered Accountant and in his fourth term as Treasurer

Pradeep Luther – MEMBER Pradeep Luther
Pradeep Luther is from the 1968 group. He is an academic researcher working on cardiac muscle structure at Imperial College, London.
Bhagwant Singh Virdi Bhagwant Singh Virdi
Bhagwant Singh Virdi is from the 1963 batch. He is a GP and recently retired.
Anil Lakhani Anil Lakhani
Anil Lakhani is also from the 1968 batch. He is a retired Consultant from Bromley Hospital.
Varinder Singh Varinder Singh
Varinder Singh is from the 1960 batch. He is a retired Chartered Accountant
Nasrullah Khan Moghal Nasrullah Khan Moghal
Nasrullah Khan Moghal is from the 1964 batch. He has been the Chief Executive of Manchester Council for Community Relations.
Hasmukh Nandha Hasmukh Nandha
Hasmukh Nandha is from the 1966 batch. Hasmukh is also a retired G.P.
Harish Luther Harish Luther
Harish Luther is from the 1965 group. Harish is a photographer.
ESS 2016 - 2018 Committee
ESS 2016-2018 Committee
Seated (LR): Nisar Butt (Treasurer), Jayant Tanna (Chairman) and Vijay Patel (Secretary)
Standing (LR): Pradeep Luther, Bhagwant Singh Virdi, Anil Lakhani, Varinder Singh, Nasrullah Khan Moghal, Hasmukh Nandha and Harish Luther
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